Having immediate access to quick-relief medicine is critical for people with asthma. The purpose of this tool is to create a standardized process for designated school personnel to use in order to determine a child’s readiness to self-carry a quick-relief inhaler during the school day. This assessment takes place once the student, the parent and provider have agreed that the student is ready to self-carry. There are four areas of competencies that designated school personnel should assess at the beginning of each school year for each student with a diagnosis of asthma. Each of the four areas of knowledge and skills has a series of questions to ask the student and possible responses. Use this tool to help you identify a student’s capabilities and areas that need improvement. Make a plan to work with the student throughout the school year to build the knowledge and skills to self-carry and use a quick-relief inhaler during the school day.
For more information, see the American Lung Association’s course, “Assessing a Student’s Readiness to Carry and Use a Quick-Relief Inhaler” at https://lung.training/courses/readiness.html
Student Name: _____________________________________
Date of Assessment: _______________________________
Assessed By: ______________________________________
For more information, see the American Lung Association’s course, “Assessing a Student’s Readiness to Carry and Use a Quick-Relief Inhaler” at https://lung.training/courses/readiness.html