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Considerations for Medicaid Coverage of Pediatric Tobacco Cessation Treatment

Speakers: Alexi Murphy, PharmD; Anne DiGiulio; Brittany Tayler, MD FAAP; Dana Bourne, MPH; Olga Bakun; and Rhonda Williams

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Court Challenges to Preventive Services Requirements: Implications for Helping People Quit Tobacco

Speakers: Anne DiGiulio and Tom Pryor, JD, PhD

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

COVID-19 Vaccine Ambassador Training

Speakers: Dr. Albert Rizzo; Rachel Foster, MA, BSN, RN; and Erika Tuller, BS, CHES

Target Audience: Vaccine ambassadors

Improving Access to Tobacco Cessation Treatment in North Dakota’s Medicaid Program: Efforts to Recognize Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists

Speakers: Ranjana Kodwani, Tasha Moses, Neil Charvat, Kara Backer, Rajean Backman

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Incorporating Radon into Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans

Speakers: Bruce Snead; Lisa Morris, MPH; and Rachael Malmberg

Target Audience: Patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers

INDEPTH® Facilitator Recertification and Refresher

Speakers: Michelle Mercure, CHES, CTTS and Jennifer Hobbs Folkenroth, BA, NCTTP, NDS

Target Audience: INDEPTH® Facilitators

Learn to Understand and Manage Severe Asthma

Speakers: Emily Rodman, PharmD, BCPPS

Target Audience: Patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, and asthma educators

Medicaid Postpartum Extension and Tobacco Cessation: New Opportunities to Help People Quit

Speakers: Olga Bakun, Anne DiGiulio, Taylor Platt, Taylor Reine

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Nationwide Radon Webinar for Real Estate Professionals

Speakers: William J. Angell, Stacy Durbin, and Lindi Campbell

Target Audience: Real estate professionals

Not On Tobacco (NOT)® Facilitator Recertification and Refresher

Speakers: Michelle Mercure, CHES, CTTS and Jennifer Hobbs Folkenroth, BA, NCTTP, NDS

Target Audience: Not On Tobacco (NOT)® Facilitators

Partnering with your State Insurance Commissioner to Strengthen Tobacco Cessation Coverage

Speakers: Kim Holland; Michele L. Patarino, MBA MSHA; Julie Weinberg; Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Protecting Tenants from Radon

Speakers: Sarah Goodwin, Jane Malone, Daisy Rezende, Dan Potter, Kyle Hoylman, Alison Thornton

Target Audience: State radon programs, radon professionals, tenant leaders, legal services, cancer coalitions, public health agencies, and advocates for housing/public health/healthy housing

Radon Testing in Schools: State Protocols and Resources

Speakers: Tiffany Belser; Amanda Parkins, BS; Daniel Tranter, MPH; and Jonathan Dyer

Target Audience: State and county partners, non-profit organizations and school administrators who are looking to implement radon testing protocols for schools

So, You’ve Got a Tobacco Cessation Benefit: Now What

Speaker: Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Pharmacists

The New Triangulum of Marijuana, Tobacco and Vaping: Implications and Effective Treatment Strategies for Co-Use

Speakers: Molly Leis

Target Audience: Minnesota behavioral health and mental health professionals and public health partners

Tobacco Cessation Coverage in State Exchanges – A Discussion

Speakers: Anne DiGiulio and Zarah Ghiasuddin

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Tobacco Cessation Coverage Policy: The Basics

Speaker: Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Pharmacists

Tobacco Cessation Coverage Requirements in Private Insurance

Speaker: Ruth Canovi

Target Audience: Pharmacists

Tobacco Cessation in Medicaid and Medicare

Speaker: Ranjana Kodwani

Target Audience: Pharmacists

Tobacco Use and Recovery Among Individuals with Mental Illness or Addiction: Clinical Assessment of Tobacco Use Disorder and Withdrawal

Speaker: Jill Williams, MD

Target Audience: Behavioral health professionals and partners

Tobacco Use and Recovery Among Individuals with Mental Illness or Addiction: Developing Supportive Organizational Policy

Speaker: Jill Williams, MD

Target Audience: Behavioral health professionals and partners

Tobacco Use and Recovery Among Individuals with Mental Illness or Addiction: Evidence-Based Treatment with Counseling and Medication

Speaker: Jill Williams, MD

Target Audience: Behavioral health professionals and partners

Tobacco Use and Recovery Among Individuals with Mental Illness or Addiction: Overview

Speaker: Jill Williams, MD

Target Audience: Behavioral health professionals and partners

Understanding the Coverage Landscape: A Case Study in Assessing Cessation Coverage

Speakers: Elizabeth Ablah; Rick Cagan; Valerie Howard; Lori Bushner; Ruth Canovi; Michele L. Patarino, MBA MSHA; and Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Unwinding the Unwinding: A Primer and Call to Action for Tobacco Control Professionals

Speakers: Anne DiGiulio, Rebeca Alegria, Lori Younker, Michelle Lynch, Tracey Strader, and Jeanean Yanish Jones

Target Audience: Tobacco Control Professionals

Using Pharmacists to Improve Access to Tobacco Cessation Treatment for Medicaid Enrollees

Speakers: Tasha Moses, CEO; Rhonda Williams, MES; Dana Bourne, MPH; and Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Pharmacists

Virtual Roundtable: Medicaid Managed Care Contracting

Speakers: Claire Brockbank, Michele Patarino, Teresa Brown, Karen S Brown, and Reggie Kodwani

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers

Virtual Roundtable: Standing Orders for Tobacco Cessation

Speakers: Allie Jo Shipman, Karen Hudmon, Claire Brockbank, Michele Patarino, Ruth Canovi and Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Pharmacists

When Quitting Adds Up: Tobacco Cessation and Quality Measures

Speakers: Jessica Lee, MD; Jennifer Hunter; Angela Herman-Nestor, MPA, CPHQ, PCMH-CCE; Suzanne Massman, LPN, PCMH-CCE; and Anne DiGiulio

Target Audience: Tobacco cessation providers